Parent Resources

  • Parents Guide to the IEP
    Brief description of how to prepare for an IEP, and explanation of services and program options.

Family Support Ambassador

The Family Support Ambassador (FSA) is available to MUSD families seeking information regarding educational needs of students in special education, accessing services, and/or family support.  The FSA helps families understand the special education process and promotes cooperation between families and schools. 

Perhaps you have just received a diagnosis for your child and need guidance on what to do next. Or maybe you’ve hit a roadblock in special education and you’re unsure about your rights and responsibilities and the next steps to take. Or maybe you’re new to the whole process! MUSD’s Family Support Ambassador is here to help. 

  • Telephone support and assistance with special education and the IEP process

  • Workshops on special education and transition planning

  • IEP consultations and document review

  • Programs for transition-age youth

  • Resources and referrals

  • Access to Disability Awareness Materials and Training 

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

  • Community Advisory Committee (CAC) participation and activities

  • Community Resources including Afterschool and Recreational Programs

  • Early Intervention Eligibility process

  • Individual Education Plan Review and Support 

  • Individual with Disabilities Education Act ( IDEA) 2004 

  • Parent Engagement Opportunities

  • Parent Information Library

  • School Community Outreach


Jennifer Langdon

Family Support Ambassador

Office of Special Education MUSD

(760) 367-3545 x4314

Langdon, Mrs. Jennifer

Family Support Ambassador

Email Me


Four Goals of Misbehavior


Dreikur's Four Goals of Misbehavior is a valuable tool for understanding a child's behavior.

If the child's behavior: 

- Annoys you, the goal is attention.  Ignore it.

- Angers you, the goal is power. Rely upon set rules and consequences to remove yourself from the struggle.

- Hurts you, the goal is revenge. State your feelings and discuss mutual concerns.

- Makes you despair, the goal is to display inadequacy. Find a way to encourage and empower your child.


Your assessment is correct if your response reduces the behavior.

- If you ignored the student and he continues to misbehave, perhaps his goal was not attention but power.  

- If cracking down with consequences has no effect, he may be out for revenge.

- If a heart-to-heart discussion fails to move him, his goal may be a display of inadequacy.

- If encouragement doesn't brighten the child, the goal was not to elicit your support. Check out Power or Revenge.


There is far more to the entire concept, but this is the essence. Understanding the child's goal, however, is not enough. You must also be able to address the unmet need that prompted the goal. 

For more information, click on the following link.

Procedural Safeguards/Parental Rights

If you have any questions about the IEP process, please contact the SELPA office at:

(760) 367-3545 x4230

CDE Link to Procedural Safeguards/Parent Rights

Notice of Procedural Safeguards Special Education Rights of Parents and Children Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, and the California Education Code.